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Personal Training


Call Brendan

01511 652 3855

Transform yourself inTandem today!


At InTandem I will

  • develop a personalised workout plan that fits your routine

  • offer training with and without equipment both at home and out in the fresh air.  

  • develop a nutrition plan to change the way you feel about food. Not calorie counting, avoiding meals or pushing boring tasteless menus. It's balanced, healthy, easy to follow and thus easy to stick to.

  • help you to develop key fitness habits and skills to foster long term changes that become part of your lifestyle.

InTandem means “alongside each other’.  With my help and encouragement in tandem with your commitment, you will see the results.  You will feel better. You will look better.  You will have more energy.   

All my training solutions are compliant with Covid regulations and in German or English.  The time to start is now.  The benefits will speak for themselves.


Book InTandem Sessions



Hi, I'm Brendan!


Thanks for your interest in inTandem. I’m a qualified gym instructor and personal trainer based in Bielefeld. I began playing sport at an early age, which started my life-long passion for health and fitness. Following university, I joined the British military, where I was able to train daily and learn many adventurous activities like skiing, climbing, abseiling and skydiving. The discipline I learnt there has been key to motivating me to, not only maintain and improve my own health and fitness, but also to share that enjoyment and passion with others.


Increased fitness through optimised training lifts your mood and gives you more confidence, positive energy and self-worth. My goal in training with you is to help you become fitter and healthier, AND to feel that way too. Remember, "in tandem" means working alongside each other – I will support you every step of the way.


I wholeheartedly believe that with an interesting and varied workout routine, along with a sensible (not boring and strict) nutrition plan, I can help you achieve lasting success in improving your health and fitness.  Even better, we will have some fun along the way!

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  About InTandem


InTandem Training Packages

30 Minuten initial phone/online consultation to work out your goals and set the start-up plan.


• Personalised workout plan based on YOUR goals and ability that will be updated regularly

• Individual Health Coaching based on your body and habits

• Nutritional advice

• Regular Workout Tips 

• Motivation from me to help you stay on track

• Virtual 1:1-Training online when required 

• Personal messaging or phone support

• Workouts to support/augment the regular 1:1 personal training sessions ( can be done at home, in a hotel if travelling, outside and without me)

• Bespoke running coaching/training to improve technique, speed and endurance whether you are running 5kms, a Marathon or the Hermannslauf. 

•Other bespoke courses as required

Fit couple taking a rest after fast runn

No membership fees - Pay as you Train 


Brendan has been my personal trainer since March. The results I have achieved are largely due to a combination of his training methods, personalised training plans, understanding, support and enthusiasm. This, along with his professionalism and wide-ranging knowledge all with a sense of fun. I feel so much better than I ever did before and it has kept me going through lock-down when I couldn’t go regularly to my gym.


I never liked working out. I was always too busy or tired to get to the gym, let alone actually do the exercises I thought I should do. Brendan helped me ease my way in to working out and eating more healthily. He helped me set and achieve realistic goals, so I wasn’t put off at the first hurdle., I am stronger, fitter and have so much more energy. I feel much more confident about myself.  I am also proud at having invested in myself –whilst it may have been cheaper to join a gym, I know I never would have done so.  I really feel that there has been return on my investment in training with Brendan.  THANK YOU!



Brendan Devine


33617, Bielefeld

Tel: +49 (0) 1511 652 3855


Book a Training Session

Impressum © 2021 by Brendan Devine | InTandem | Registered in Bielefeld 1800628 | | 33617 Bielefeld

Protecting your data: I am delighted that you have visited my website.  The protection of your personal data is very important to me.  Your personal details will only be used in connection with this webstie and will be stored compliantly. 

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